Produkty dla opieka nad menikonami sp (25)

Sen Plus - Melatonina

Sen Plus - Melatonina

Spécifiquement formulé à base de Mélatonine et de 4 plantes (Mélisse, Houblon, Passiflore et Valériane) pour contribuer à réduire l'anxiété, à favoriser la relaxation et à améliorer la qualité du sommeil. Disponible en 60 ou 120 gélules. Formule disponible en marque blanche. Personnalisez ce produit à votre marque.
Wielokorygujące Leczenie - ZABIEGI OCZNE

Wielokorygujące Leczenie - ZABIEGI OCZNE

Smoothing effect – reduces the appearance of dehydration lines/wrinkles from the first application.* Visibly attenuated under eye pockets** Dark circles less visible** *Instrumental test performed 2 hours after application. **Clinical evaluation performed on 21 women after 28 days of bidaily use
ESAROME SEBO IKS - Lotion z Olejkami Eterycznymi na Seboreę

ESAROME SEBO IKS - Lotion z Olejkami Eterycznymi na Seboreę

E’ studiato per tutti i casi di seborrea e cute grassa. Il complesso di principi attivi funzionali (PAF) in esso contenuti, regola le funzioni del cuoio capelluto ripristinando il suo equilibrio. Grazie al mix di Estratti naturali e Oli Essenziali, accuratamente selezionati e sapientemente amalgamati, svolge un’importante azione antibatterica, previene il cattivo odore dovuto all’eccessiva secrezione sebacea, allontanando nel tempo l’untuosità dei capelli. In modo particolare: Estratto di Foglia di Ortica Dioica – Estratto di Argan – Estratto Glicerico di Edera – Estratto di Semi di Sesamo: svolgono un’efficace azione antibatterica e antinfiammatoria, mantenendo la cute morbida e idratata. Estratto di Serenoa Serrulata: i suoi polifenoli hanno proprietà antiandrogeniche che espletano principalmente attraverso l’inibizione dell’enzima 5-alfareduttasi (deputato alla conversione del testosterone in diidrotestosterone responsabile nei soggetti predisposti, dell’alopecia androgenetica) Scatola per home care:12 fiale da 7 ml cadauna
Ekspert w dziedzinie nauki o roślinach

Ekspert w dziedzinie nauki o roślinach

Pour élaborer nos formules, nous exploitons les richesses que la nature nous offre en nous inspirant de la bibliographie ancestrale des propriétés des plantes qui ont toutes fait leurs preuves. Mais quand cela est nécessaire, nous y associons des actifs contemporains, brevetés et à l’efficacité prouvée, toujours à base de végétaux. La science progresse, nous aussi ! Nous utilisons une grande variété d’extraits naturels, d’huiles végétales et d’huiles essentielles aux propriétés uniques afin de vous proposer des produits de beauté, de soin et de confort.
Paczk Dermax Pielęgnacja Skóry Bez Zapachu

Paczk Dermax Pielęgnacja Skóry Bez Zapachu

The Dermax Package Fragrance-Free Skin Care is a comprehensive skincare set designed for those with sensitive skin. This package includes a fragrance-free liquid soap, body lotion, shower gel, and shampoo, all formulated to cleanse and nourish the skin without causing irritation. The products are free from mineral oils, parabens, and artificial fragrances, making them suitable for daily use on even the most sensitive skin. The liquid soap is an excellent cleanser that does not dry out the skin, while the body lotion provides long-lasting hydration. The shower gel and shampoo are designed to protect the skin and hair from drying out, ensuring a healthy and balanced complexion. Experience the gentle care of the Dermax Package Fragrance-Free Skin Care. This set is perfect for those seeking a complete skincare routine that is both effective and gentle on the skin. The products are enriched with moisturizing substances that help to lock in moisture, keeping your skin soft and supple throughout the day. Whether you're looking to prevent irritation or simply maintain a healthy complexion, this fragrance-free skincare package is your go-to solution for beautiful, nourished skin.
EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
EmsePharma Fason Kozmetik Üretimi

EmsePharma Fason Kozmetik Üretimi

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma Produkcja Kosmetyków na Zlecenie

EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies. EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners. In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values ​​offered by nature.
TPE do medycznych aplikacji dwuskładnikowych - Mediprene A

TPE do medycznych aplikacji dwuskładnikowych - Mediprene A

Overmoulding is a powerful technique that allows the production of finished parts in soft and hard material combinations without trimming or assembly. It offers many design and product advantages, allowing designers to differentiate products while meeting important user and patient demands, including soft-touch and cushioning for greater comfort and non-slip surfaces with improved grip for safety. The 500M Mediprene range bonds very well to polyolefins like polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene PP). However, in several medical applications transparent engineering plastics like ABS, PC, PETG and SMMA (and their blends) are utilised. The Mediprene A2 series has been developed to address demands for medical grade TPEs that bond well to these substrates. Special features Unfilled PVC, silicone & latex free 35 to 65 Shore A Flexibility over broad temperature range Resistant to many fluids used in the healthcare environment Sterilizable with gamma, EtO and steam Production site accredited
Magnez - Cytrynian Magnezu - Dostępny w postaci kapsułek, proszku lub oleju

Magnez - Cytrynian Magnezu - Dostępny w postaci kapsułek, proszku lub oleju

Magnesium - Hochdosiert & Rein | Magnesiumpräparate - Natürliche Magnesiumverbindungen, für eine besonders gute Aufnahme im Körper. - Zur Unterstützung des Energiestoffwechsels, der Muskel- und Nervenfunktion. - Analysierter und geprüfter Rohstoff in Markenqualität. - Reinsubstanzen - ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe. - Als Kapseln, Pulver oder Magnesiumöl.
Zimny Żel Odchudzający - Estetyka i Odchudzanie

Zimny Żel Odchudzający - Estetyka i Odchudzanie

Principe actif principal Caféine et menthol Formule Huiles essentielles de thym, de menthe poivrée et d’eucalyptus. Extraits végétaux de fucus, lierre et guaranine. Fenugrec, camphre, menthol et caféine. Indication Grâce à l’action conjointe du menthol et de l’alcool, le Gel Minceur Froid, sur le principe de la cryothérapie (abais- sement de la température de la surface du corps), assou- plit les tissus et favorise la pénétration des principes actifs (guaranine, caféine). Il facilite une consommation locale des calories pour un effet visible immédiat. Application Utiliser en massage, par petites quantités (30 ml), sur la partie à traiter, jusqu’à pénétration complète du produit. En ultrasonothérapie, appliquer une couche épaisse de gel. Contenant:250ml, 500ml, 1000ml
Linia Rekonstrukcji Włosów - Program rekonstrukcji strukturalnej włosów oparty na keratynie i ekstraktach

Linia Rekonstrukcji Włosów - Program rekonstrukcji strukturalnej włosów oparty na keratynie i ekstraktach

Programma di ricostruzione strutturale del capello a base di cheratina ed estratto di noce. La cheratina è il componente principale del capello, la fondamentale proteina strutturale, mentre l’estratto di noce ancora verede è ricco di polifenoli e un reitcolo sulle proteine dei capelli, agendo in sinergia con la cheratina naturale. La linea si compone di: Shampoo (fase 1) formulato per detergere delicatamente i capelli deboli; Maschera (fase 2) che ripara la fibra del capello danneggiato e lo rende elastico; Fluido (fase 3) senza risciacquo, che si lega subito al capello per ringiovanirlo e restituirgli la sua vera bellezza; Capsule Vitaminiche (fase 4) a effetto condizionante istantaneo, che agiscono sulla superficie del capello per fissare gli ingredienti nutritivi delle fasi precedenti, per prevenire le doppie punte e proteggere dalle aggressioni esterne. Ricche di vitamine A, B1, B2, B5 (Pantenolo), C, E, F, H e PP (Niacina). Il video:
Naturalny D-Mannoza 500mg

Naturalny D-Mannoza 500mg

Maimed-rozwiązanie Pf

Maimed-rozwiązanie Pf

Einmal Untersuchungshandschuhe aus Nitril, mit texturierten Fingerspitzen,unsteril, puderfrei. Unsere Maimedsolution Serie ist die latexfreie Alternative zu unseren Einmalhandschuhen aus Latex. Diese Handschuhe enthalten keine Latexproteine und sind daher auch sehr gut für Allergiker geeignet. Sie sind sehr strapazierfähig, dehnbar und gewährleisten aufgrund ihrer texturierten Fingerspitzen einen optimalen Grip. Farbe:Weiß Größe:XS-XL Pack.-Inhalt:200 Stück
Phytholistic Magnesium - Bio Magnezja w Proszku

Phytholistic Magnesium - Bio Magnezja w Proszku

Unser Bio Magnesium Pulver stammt aus Meeresalgen. Diese werden in Frankreich in Küstennähe angebaut, von unseren Vertragsbauern handgepflückt, ausgiebig luftgetrocknet und anschließend afür einen magnesiumreichen Extrakt extrahiert. Als Extraktionsmittel dient Wasser, genauer gesagt Meerwasser, in dem die Algen gezüchtet werden. Das Produkt eignet sich ideal für Vegetarier und Veganer. Die wichtigsten Eckpunkte in Kürze: Eigenschaften: auf 25% natürliches Magnesium standardisiert, <200ppm Jod Botanischer Name: ulva lactuca Haltbarkeit: 24 Monate Herkunft: Frankreich Extraktionsmittel: Meerwasser Empfohlene Darreichungsform: Kapseln, Tabletten, Pulvermischung
Mikoryza "Mycofriend" - Produkt mikoryzy mający na celu maksymalizację zdolności korzeni do pobierania składników odżywczych i wody

Mikoryza "Mycofriend" - Produkt mikoryzy mający na celu maksymalizację zdolności korzeni do pobierania składników odżywczych i wody

Product details: Root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi Increase in the area of absorption of the root system Provision of balanced mineral nutrition Water retention Active substance: A complex of mycorrhiza-forming fungi — Glomus and Trichoderma harzianum Microorganisms supporting the formation of mycorrhiza and plant rhizosphere: Streptomyces sp., Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phosphate-mobilizing bacteria: Bacillius Megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Muciloginosus, Enterobacter sp, titer: (1.0-1.5) x10^8 CFU/ml Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: Pre-sowing seed treatment Application in-furrow Rate of application: 1,5 – 5 l/t, 0,2-0,3 l/ha Shelf life: 12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C Product details ! More than 125 $/ha is an average additional income after Mycofriend application ! 83% of farmers have positive results, where income covers
Cetaphil - Pielęgnacja skóry

Cetaphil - Pielęgnacja skóry

Top quality verified and reputable skin care products and body lotion made with the world’s finest plant oils and absolutes all available in wholesale and retail.
Produkty Pielęgnacji Osobistej - Produkcja Produktów Pielęgnacji Osobistej

Produkty Pielęgnacji Osobistej - Produkcja Produktów Pielęgnacji Osobistej

Akerman Kozmetik olarak modern cilt ve kişisel bakım ürün serisi ve ekstra bakım teknolojileri ile profesyonel ürün gamı ve ev bakım ürünlerini sunmaktadır. Halen güzellik merkezleri , Dermokozmetik klinikler ve spesifik güzellik salonlarının kullanmakta olduğu özel markalı ürünler üretmektedir. Geniş ürün yelpazesinde yer alan tüm ürünler gerçek bitki ekstreleri kullanılarak, natural hammaddeler ile organik formda üretilmektedir.
Lotion do włosów o silnym działaniu - 100 ml, testowany farmakologicznie, intensywne leczenie

Lotion do włosów o silnym działaniu - 100 ml, testowany farmakologicznie, intensywne leczenie

Loción capilar que estimula el crecimiento del cabello, reduce su caída y redensifica. Rica en nutrientes que reparan y refuerzan los folículos dañados para obtener un cabello más grueso, brillante y resistente a la caída. Además, el oligopeptide-2 y las glicoproteínas estimulan los factores de crecimiento IGF1 y VEGF, que redensifican la fibra capilar.
Seria Pielęgnacji Ochronnej - Seria Pielęgnacji Ochronnej

Seria Pielęgnacji Ochronnej - Seria Pielęgnacji Ochronnej

Keten tohumu,Arnika çiçeği,Üzüm çekirdeği,Babassu yağı ve vitaminler sayesinde güçlendirilmiş formülü ile saçtaki kalıntıları nazikçe temizler,boyalı saçları korur.
Żel na zaczerwienienia skóry

Żel na zaczerwienienia skóry

Grâce à la combinaison unique des substances actives, le gel a le fort effet sur les vaisseaux sanguins, qui réduit les rougeurs cutanées, tout en rétablissant la microcirculation, dissolvant les varicosités et redonnant de la douceur, de la beauté et de la couleur naturelle au visage. Substances actives: extraits: marronnier d’Inde, petit houx, centella asiatique, feuilles de vigne, saule, sarrasin; acide hyaluronique, vitamines PP et C. Application: thérapie par ultrasons et microcourants, iontophorèse, soins professionnels et à domicile. Durée de vie:2 ans Flacons:30 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml
Suplementy Diety na Menopauzę - Suplement Diety - 120 Kapsułek

Suplementy Diety na Menopauzę - Suplement Diety - 120 Kapsułek

Découvrez notre complément alimentaire Ménopause, formulé naturellement à partir de plante et de phyto-œstrogène. Les phyto-œstrogènes tels que les isoflavones de soja sont des composés chimiques actifs naturels provenant des plantes qui agissent dans l’organisme un peu à la manière des hormones naturelles féminines, les œstrogènes. Le soja est la source la plus importante de phyto-œstrogènes. Il est associé à du fenouil, de l’Escholtzia, du thé vert et à de la sauge. La sauge quant à elle contribue au confort pendant la ménopause et aide à diminuer les sueurs nocturnes, l’un des principaux symptômes de la ménopause. Sphère d'action : Santé féminine - Ménopause Formule synergique Cure complète de 1 mois : jusqu'à 6 gélules par jour. Précautions d'emploi : Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants. Ne pas dépasser la dose conseillée. Ne pas prendre en dehors des repas. Déconseillé aux enfants, adolescents, femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.